
Rhode Island College’s Professional Studies and Continuing Education (PSCE) extends the educational offerings and resources of RIC and provides administrative programming support and assistance to affiliated agencies and organizations on and off campus. 

PSCE units and programs include Continuing Education, Summer Sessions, Early Spring Session, Faculty-Led Travel, Outreach Programs, Career Development Center, RI STEAM Center, ESL Intensive and ExCEL Programs, Economic and Leadership Development, Sustainability Programs, Langevin Center for Design, Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing and various cultural and community programs. 

PSCE needs, values and depends on our campus and community partners to support effective programs.  All CE courses and programs are offered in cooperation with RIC schools and departments. For partnering agencies and organizations, PSCE provides assistance with establishing courses and workshops and with identifying College resources that support continuing education activities. Rhode Island College has a long history of providing such assistance to business and industry and to public and private schools and agencies.


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